
The Rebirth of Orthodoxy: Signs of New Life in Christianity is unavailable, but you can change that!

In The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, Thomas Oden describes the unexpected resurgence of a new Christian Orthodoxy—post-denominational, flexible, rooted in ancient beliefs, and remarkably relevant to the needs of our time. Our generation has witnessed a stark reversal in our time: as modern secular and political ideologies continue to wane, communities of traditional faith are flourishing now more than...

cultural norms for judging all premodern texts and ideas. All that certitude is now gone, however, and we are left rootless. Modern chauvinism has attempted a preemptive strike on all premodern wisdoms. The label modern chauvinism refers to the attitude of those who assume the intrinsic inferiority of all premodern ideas and texts, and the intrinsic superiority of all modern methods of investigation. Modern chauvinists, who long ago decided that no premodern voice said anything worth hearing, have
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